I Am Jack's Raging Mommy

Please go to http://jacksragingmommy.com

Thursday, July 20, 2006


So it's a bit like dressing up for a dance in junior high, thinking that if people see you looking different then they will suddenly realize the treasure they had in their midst the whole time without seeing it.

A bit.

I am proud to announce the launch of I Am Jack's Raging Mommy on it's new, "real" webpage. Flippy and Leigh-Ann have provided me with free hosting, and my ex is paying for the domain name. (He's so my bitch)

So change all your blogrolls, and links (and button codes) over to the new url at http://www.jacksragingmommy.com . It'll be easy enough to do, just drop the .blogspot from your existing link.

I'm still working on figuring out Word Press coding and themes and all that craziness, which you'll be able to tell as soon as you look at my links page.
Existing comments from this site didn't transfer over, so show me some love so I don't feel so lonely over there :)