I Am Jack's Raging Mommy

Please go to http://jacksragingmommy.com

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hi bitches!

So you know how I work really part time so that I can practically live on the internet? Oh, and practically be a stay at home mom? Yeah, so the last two weeks haven't been so part time, and what with the dead laptop and my not wanting to get my ass off the couch I haven't been online.
But I am alive, and all is well, and hi there my bitches! I'm back!

Jack took his first unassisted steps the other day. I gasped so loudly I scared Joe, and then of course I called my mother since I seem to have a more than slightly clingy relationship with her. I think it is a sign I need more real life friends so I am seriously considering going with someone I know to a group aimed at moms with children who aren't quite in school. (Aren't I coy by not technically saying the group name and trying to avoid drama other moms on the net have had by saying group names?) I'll let you know how that works out if I go, but I really don't get along with women in real life, so I am really hesitant.

Did you ever see American Psycho? You know the scene where his lists his daily shower regimen? Well, in the book that list is twice as long. And oh yeah, the whole book is filled with lists of clothes, food, jobs, business cards, and beauty products. I get it. It was the Eighties. They were materialistic. Now please just get on with the story! I've never been this let down reading the book of a movie I like.
As far as books go I'm only on my seventh for the month. I must be losing my touch or something. Stupid work. I want them to give me two weeks off again, but it's unlikely as we have assloads of new people and I am apparently the best trainer evar. Look, this is an easy ass job. If you can't figure this shit out in your first two days you wont. If they want to use me to ensure good employees they ought to let me do the hiring. I'm batting a thousand so far with my initial assessments. (I know I sound like it, but I'm not really hating work right now, just incompetent new people. Here's a thought, don't hire a person who lists their high school GPA as 2.0. I'm just sayin')

I really am sorry about the hiatus, and I'll try to do better, and I was really touched by the people who were worried about me in my absence.
Keep it real, homegirls!