This one links back to Flickr where I am slowly (oh so slowly) getting the rest of the wedding photos uploaded.
Please go to
This one links back to Flickr where I am slowly (oh so slowly) getting the rest of the wedding photos uploaded.
I want to eat my baby.
I was reading the South Beach diet book this morning, and all the breakfasts involve juice of some kind. Often tomato or vegetable which, hell no I am not drinking. Also? It listed decaf coffee or tea. Now, do I have to drink that? I don't like either one. Decaf coffee is like non-alcoholic beer. There's no point. But if this is a medically balanced, carefully planned diet then I am not sure you are supposed to substitute. Which sucks, because what the hell is with the asparagus? Seriously, asparagus everywhere. I think you lose weight by scaring the fat away with your pee smell.
Angie is nicer than I am. Angie didn't curse out her trolls and damn them all to hell and look into legal action on the more threatening comments. She even tried to explain the concepts of irony and sarcasm in blogging to her humorless trolls. I doubt I would have had her patience. As it was I got so angry reading the comments I was unable to finish and I spent several hours composing rants in my head.
We are leaving for our camping honeymoon-let later this afternoon. You know that big rain storm that is over three quarters of the country? Yeah, we're in that. A lot. So not only might it rain while we are camping, I am pretty sure the ground is thoroughly saturated. I'm prepared to end up sleeping in the car. On a positive note, it's much cooler and the river has risen a lot, so if it does happen to stay sunny for 6 hours tomorrow it should be a great trip.
I am in a particularly foul mood, which is odd considering I've had a fairly good day, and don't dislike being married. Or the nookie. But anyway.
The best word I've been able to think of is intense. It was like childbirth without all the crappy pain and good drugs.
J, my eldest, is a smart boy. (Since he does not live with me I will not give any identifying factors to him or his family)
I think that talking to the ex-fiance the night before the wedding may not be such a great idea. Except that it is, since it's reminding me why the "ex" part.
I am going to assume it's normal to get drunk and be terrified the night before one's wedding.
I had a lot of bile and anger to vent there, thanks for being patient internet.
I hate my family right now. Not the Jack and Joe family, but the parents, brother, disowned sister, nieces and nephew family.
All the cool kids on the interweb are talking about Jim Varney (AKA Ernest P. Worrell, and how proud of myself am I that I know the whole name?) so I decided I want to be in the in crowd and join in.
Actually occurred in the changing room yesterday. I went dress shopping, and it was about the fourth stop and I think I'd had enough.
Has anyone been married by a Justice of the Peace? Do they have you recite vows? Do you have to say "obey"? I am not saying obey, but I seriously doubt they let you personalize vows when you are getting married by the judge. Beggars can't be choosers and all.
I'd just like to point out that there is a person living where I used to live, working where I used to work who Googled for mine and my son's real names. They are reading the site on a regular basis, which is totally fine, but if you know me why are you lurking? Also, I am surprised West doesn't block my page with as much cursing as is on it.
So you know how pathetic I am internet? It actually took me a minute to figure out what I was going to write about.
I like being linked to, and I like porn*.
I fell asleep holding Jack in one of the recliners not too long after I posted last night. My head was flopped funny and as such has been killing me all day. And I have acid stomach. The wages of drunken debauchery. So here's my depressing, slightly whiny "Woe Is My Life" post. You asked for it internet. Don't blame me.
Today sucked.
I had planned to write a huge funny post about going to Wal-Mart, and why I have to go to Wal-Mart as opposed to Target or somewhere cool.
Oh interweb, how I love you. You enable me in my neediness. Does that mean we are co-dependent? I am not supposed to be in co-dependent relationships. Though I always thought they were good in theory. I mean, two people who need eachother. How could that go wrong? Oh, the sarcasm. I know far too well how many ways that can go wrong. I spent days and weeks, hell, years crying and weeping. I even gnashed my teeth.
Did somebody turn off the internet and forget to tell me?
Angela over at Fluid Pudding has now lost over half her baby weight. As Harper was born two days before Jack I now have to step up to the plate and work my ass off. (I am just full of clever today. Earlier I stated that my ass was embarassing)
I find inappropriate things humorous with my child. For instance?
Between the language I use, and Jack being named Jack, I get a disturbing number of hits from people looking for mommy porn. For the most part this makes me laugh, but today's hit for "Mommy jacks me off" was a little too disturbing. Do you mean that literally? Is your mother having incestuous relations with you? Perhaps you merely want to have incestuous relations with your mother, it's not happening in reality. But if it's merely innocent MILF porn you are looking for why, oh why would you use that particular phrasing? I wonder sometimes if I ought to have crisis resource links on the side of my page. RAINN at the very least.
I was thinking earlier how every girl I've ever known who has gone by "Kat" was an awful evil bitch. And for that reason alone I will never name a daughter of mine Katherine even though I love the name Kate.
I changed my comments over to Haloscan since they provide comment emailing options, but it made my signature line too long, and erased all my existing comments. Has anyone else used their system? Opinions? I created the template restore, so switching back is no problem.
I got some today, and it was great.
I'm pretty sure I am kind of unnatural. You know those Luv's commercials where the mom says "when the baby first comes you wont let anyone hold it" etc? That is so not me. I'll plop Jack into your arms in a heartbeat as long as I am kind of sure you wont drop him.